Sunday, November 23, 2008

Direct TV and Internet Service

Now a day satellite TV Astro is part of our life. Due to satellite TV give us very clear pictures compared to traditional TV station. But not only have that satellite TV had more channels around the world but more interesting movie like HBO and Star Movie. This is why I choose satellite TV in our country.

The only different among Asia and Western are Western having more satellite TV or direct TV companies than Asia. They also have more than 1000 channels after subscribed compare to us Asia not more than 50 channels.

DIRECT TV is the most popular Satellite Television Service Provider that American like. As I visited my friend’s house in the US, almost all of them either have the Satellite TV or Direct TV. Thousand of TV channel they can watch compared to “Astro” in Malaysia. They do have the HIGH SPEED INTERNET up to 100MB compared to us only 4MB and that is also not cover some of the area in Malaysia. Even we are using 1G DSL modem but our speed is not match with the network line we use. Sigh! Hope that Malaysia can pick up the speed and Direct TV service soon.

1 comment:

amycheah said...

Hope so that we could hv high speed of internet service. Now Malaysia one is like "kura-kura" - very slow!