Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Towel Wrap As A Gift For My Sister

Now is my time to think what birthday gift to be present to my sister as her birthday is just round the corner. I really can’t make up my mind what to buy for her. So, I went in posylane.com to look-see…look-see for some items.

Anyway, I have short-listed out some items that I might buy for her via online. There are either towel wrap, laundry bag or nap mat. The reason I choose posylane.com is because they provide embroidery to the items purchase and make the gift so special and personalize with the name or any wording to be pasted on the items. I feel this idea is so good and I will buy one to present for my sister.

My wife said, out of the 3 items, the towel wrap is the most suitable to present for her and then embroidery her name on the towel... that will be nice. What do you think?


jepunlauee said...

you make a good choice..I am sure your sister will be very happy to receive it..hehehe..

Xiao-Kia said...

To JLE - hope she is going to love it lo.